Reading Material Suggestions from Patrick Mead
Several have asked for helpful links, book suggestions, and websites that would help them read more about our movement. Some of these are many thousands of pages in depth while others are brief summaries. Pick and choose and enjoy the journey.
The Disciples of Christ Historical Society
A site with some history and lots of photos and links
A very nice overview of the movement
An excellent clearing house of links to original documents and summaries, hosted by Abilene Christian University
Links to Campbell’s two major periodicals – The Millennial Harbinger and the Christian Baptist:
Millennial Harbinger
Christian Baptist
Similar to the above, you can also Google “Moses Lard Quarterly” or “Walter Scott Christian Messenger” to get photos of original sources that are readable via several means and often searchable as well.
There are dozens of excellent books about our heritage and movement. For the sake of brevity, I will mention two here. Both of them – and their authors – helped me considerably.
Leroy Garrett’s “The Stone Campbell Movement”
Robert Hooper’s “A Distinct People”
To read the works of those who called us back to our focus on unity, peace, and freedom in Christ go here:
Leroy Garrett link
Cecil Hook link
(The link to his online books seems to be broken. Google him or go to Amazon to buy those.)
Carl Ketcherside link
Edward Fudge link