Our Core Beliefs
God: We believe in the existence of a loving God who is the source of all creation. He has created us to find our eternal destiny in relationship with Him.
The Bible: We believe that the Bible is our inspired source for learning both about God and godly living. As God’s servants, our role is to communicate the principles of Scripture to a fallen world in a relevant way.
Humanity: We believe that human sin is rebellion against God that separates us from Him. As a result, man is incapable of regaining a right relationship with God through his own effort.
Salvation: We believe that salvation is the free gift of God that has been made available to all as a result of Jesus’ death on the cross. Salvation is available to all who put their trust in Christ as Savior.
Baptism: We believe baptism is a one-time faith response to our acceptance of Christ as Savior and a pledge of our devotion to God. We are devoted to teaching and encouraging believers to be immersed in Christ and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Communion: We believe the Bread and the Cup remind us of Christ’s complete love for us, His sacrifice on the cross. Each week we celebrate His victory over death and His imminent return when all will be resurrected and judged.
Worship: We believe God’s desire is that worship be our genuine, passionate, and Spirit-filled response to Him. We are committed to planning relevant and diverse worship experiences that inspire, convict, teach, heal and draw people into the very presence of God.
Prayer: We believe prayer is essential to our spiritual and physical strength, both as individuals and as the Church. We believe nothing is impossible with God and He wants us to ask all things in faith and trust.
The Kingdom: We believe the Kingdom is made up of all who believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and King, regardless of traditions. We will be supportive and work together in unity with other congregations in our community for the cause of Christ.
The Church: We believe that the Church as Christ’s body is designed to be a visible manifestation of God on this earth. The Church continues the work of Jesus through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit by ministering to those who are hurting and by calling people to godly living.
The Family: We believe God’s design for the family is for a father and mother to be responsible for raising their children in a God-centered and faith-building home. The Church’s responsibility is to help families succeed in this and provide the love and support needed for singles, single-parent families, orphans and widows.
Every congregation of the Church of Christ is independent and you will find a variety of worship styles and organizational models among them. Fourth Avenue Church has two distinctives: our worship is mixed — acapella and instrumental — and women play a larger role in the life and work of our congregation than they do in some others. The link below will take you to our statement on Women in Worship and Ministry.
Fourth Avenue and Women in Worship and Ministry