• Member Directory
  • When + Where  


    • 117 4th Avenue North, Franklin TN 37064
    • 615-794-6626
    • Sundays
      9:30 AM – Worship Assembly
      11:00 AM – Bible Classes
    • Wednesdays
    • 6:15 PM – AWANA (Sept.–April)
    • 6:30 PM – Prayer Meeting, Class
    • MAP IT
  • Adult Classes


    In addition to our formal Life Groups, a great way to take the next step in connecting is to visit one of our weekly adult Bible classes, which meet Sundays following worship from 11:00-11:45AM and Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30PM. No matter where you are in life or on your spiritual journey, there is a class for you to meet others and to gain practical wisdom from God on how to live life well. 



    | Auditorium | Patrick Mead

    Current Theme—Just Jesus Stories: Patrick will explore Jesus stories from the book of John.

    CONNECTIONS | Room 306-308-310 | Dean Barham
    We aim to be more than just another Bible “class,” but to see the Scriptures as a way of practicing a whole new way of life together.  This multi-generational group explores the Bible with a focus on discovery and practical living—seeking the Spirit’s power to live the Story we see in Scripture.
    Current Theme—Ghost Stories: Reclaiming the Mystery & Wonder of the Holy Spirit

    UPREACH | Room 307-309 | Mike Williams
    An in-depth study of Scripture open to people of all ages. 
    Current Theme—1 Peter: Living as Exiles

    HOMEBUILDERS | Room 312-314 | Will Baxter
    This class is a great place for couples and parents of all ages to connect. We will look at Scripture, share stories, and learn and laugh together. While we won’t focus solely on marriage or parenting, these will be topics that will likely be at the core of many of our lessons. One of the best things we can do for our families is to be connected with others who are in the same boat. Life is full of ups and downs, and there is no need to face them all alone. Come join us to be encouraged and to hopefully grow closer in your walk with Jesus.
    Current Theme—Various

    OUR BELOVED | Room 303-305 | Ron Pittman
    A class for families, supporters, and advocates who care for and about individuals with special needs.
    Currently On Break, More Info to Come When Class Resumes



    DISCUSSION CLASS | Room 307-309 | Rotating Teachers
    A discussion-oriented class that dives deeply into Scripture and also has a ministry of blessing those in need with cards and prayer.  

    WOMEN’S YOGA | Room 306-308-310 | Kacy Smith
    A gathering for women interested in practicing yoga together with a distinctively Christian flavor. 

    –6:00PM—Prayer Over Blue Cards: meeting in the back foyer
    –6:30PM—Corporate Prayer: led by Wayne Howell in Room 312-314